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Lexical meaning in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2021-05-12Updated:2021-05-12
Similar words: grammatical meaningwell meaningwell-meaninglexicallexicallylexical itemlexicalizedlexicalizationMeaning: n. the meaning of a word that depends on the nonlinguistic concepts it is used to express. 
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1. The conceptual or lexical meaning is sufficient for its indexical purpose on this occasion.
2. Structural semantics refers to the way in which lexical meanings combine to produce complex semantic expressions.
3. The lexical meaning is the content of the vocabulary.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
4. Informative insufficient words are phenomenon of concern to lexical meaning, syntactic structure and meaning.
5. Therefore, slang translation involves not only rendering lexical meaning , but achieving facsimile of culture.
6. Deviat ion in lexical meaning is a common phenomenon int ranslat ion.
7. According to lexical meaning, main verbs can be dynamic and stative .
8. Semantically, reference is manifested in lexical meaning as well as truth - value of sentences.
9. In culture, transfer will appear in two areas: lexical meaning and pragmatics.
10. We may study the variation of the lexical meaning diversely from different aspects.
11. In the second place, the modal meaning is derivable from the canonical lexical meaning but not the other way round.
12. These articles, definite and indefinite, now increase the specificity of the lexical meaning of the nouns.
13. The meaning morphemes convey may be of two kinds: lexical meaning and grammatical meaning.
14. The sentential meaning is the result of interaction of lexical meaning and grammatical meaning.
15. To definite the concept of morphemic nominalization is important for understanding both lexical meaning and lexical form .
More similar words: grammatical meaningwell meaningwell-meaninglexicallexicallylexical itemlexicalizedlexicalizationlexicographicallexical semanticslexical ambiguitymeaningmeaningsdemeaningunmeaningmeaninglymeaningfulchemical mechanismclassical mechanicsmeaninglessword meaningmeaningfullylegal meansstatistical mechanicsmeaningfulnesssemantic meaningmexicaliindexicalmeaninglessnessby artificial means
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